Silence is not the way

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Silence is not the way.
We all need to talk. We must do all in our power to achieve the one thing that really matters HAPPINESS. May that be whatever it means, but we must do it.
Don't lose time. Go for it, dive in into it, let it flow in your veins, let it be an integral part of your surrounding whole.
All the time I see miserable people walking looking to the ground. Raise your heads and SHOUT.

1 dizeres sobre o mundo...:

BrainShutdown said...

& Let it ALL OUT! Bem dito! É realmente pouco provável que a felicidade nos venha simplesmente cair no colo (não conheço ninguem a quem isso tenha acontecido) e para a encontrarmos temos que comunicar com o mundo (de pessoas) para sabermos onde está escondida :)